5 Ways that Biophilic Design Benefits the Workplace

5 Ways that Biophilic Design Benefits the Workplace

We've seen interior trends come and go, but we predict that biophilic design in the workplace is here to stay. There's a reason why indoor foliage and leaf prints are more on trend than ever, and it's not just because of the aesthetic appeal they bring to a space. Keep reading to find out why and how biophilic design elements can benefit your workplace. But first, let's uncover the basics of biophilia…

What is Biophilic Design?

Biophilic design in the workplace // Mackenzie Stuart, Leeds

Biophilic design in the workplace // Mackenzie Stuart, Leeds

Biophilia Definition:

According to dictionary.com, the term biophilia means:


[bahy-oh-fil-ee-uh, -feel-yuh]


1. A love of life and the living world; the affinity of human beings for other life forms.

Biophilic design incorporates natural features and designs to help us to connect with nature whilst spending time indoors. Most people spend a significant amount of time inside, which means that many of us are deprived of that all-important exposure to nature on a daily basis. However, because experiences with nature are so beneficial for health and wellbeing, biophilic design in the workplace and at home provides us with the opportunity to experience and engage with nature whilst we're indoors!

Benefits of Biophilic Design in the Workplace

Reap the benefits of biophilic design in your office // Neom Organics, Harrogate

Reap the benefits of biophilic design in your office // Neom Organics, Harrogate

1. Stress Reduction

An increasing number of businesses are choosing to focus on employee wellbeing as part of their brand's ethos, and with good reason. Wellbeing is hugely important when it comes to the health, happiness and productivity of staff, and a reduction in stress can significantly improve all of these. Biophilic design is thought to reduce stress levels in the workplace, which not only enhances wellbeing but also reduces the number of sick days taken by your staff. Incorporating biophilic design in your workplace can therefore aid your company's overall focus on employee wellbeing.

2. Improved Air Quality

We recognise the fantastic benefits of biophilic design here at Absolute, and our commercial interior designers feature it in a number of our office projects. As a result, Planteria group came to visit our Harrogate HQ to showcase their products and share some of their biophilia-related wisdom with us! In doing so, we discovered that 90% of the water given to a plant is given back out to the air in its surroundings. This is exceptionally beneficial for offices, which often have notoriously dry air as a result of air con and/or heating systems, which can affect the health of employees. Having living plants in the workplace can help to neutralise the air and promote a healthy working environment, with improved air quality also being linked to an improvement in concentration.

3. Increased Productivity and Creativity

Factors such as stress reduction and improved air quality have a knock-on effect on productivity and can help staff to give their all in the workplace. Having natural materials and vibrant indoor plants can have a noticeable impact on the creativity levels within your office, identified by the Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace study. It's safe to say that the benefits of biophilic design go far beyond just making your workplace look good!

4. Employee Retention

All employers want to achieve high employee retention rates and avoid a high staff turnover. Losing staff is time consuming and costly, and it can mean losing your best employees who are incredibly hard to replace. Biophilic interior design in the workplace, on the other hand, can help businesses to create an environment that employees feel happy, productive and creative in, on a daily basis. Give your staff an environment they enjoy being in and somewhere they look forward to working in.

5. On-Trend Visuals

Physiological and psychological benefits aside, one of the undeniable advantages of biophilic interiors in the workplace is the visual benefit that it brings. Indoor foliage and nature-inspired designs are at the pinnacle of interior design trends and help to create the feel of a welcoming and relaxed space that people enjoy being in. Biophilic interior design helps to bring an interior space to life with vibrant colours and fresh designs, and can ultimately help create an inspiring workplace and a great talking point for visitors.

There's every reason to feature biophilic design in the workplace thanks to their on-trend aesthetics and endless benefits to employees. If you recognise the potential that biophilic designs could have in your workplace but don't know where to start, our commercial interior designers can help! Simply get in touch to chat with us.